Domestic Abuse
Cases of domestic abuse can be tried in civil court, criminal court, or both.
If a civil judge enters a protection from abuse order against you, you may be removed from your home and/or forbidden from seeing your children and/or spouse. A protection from abuse order is not however, limited to children and spouses. A judge can issue an order at the request of a family member, household member, intimate partner, or person with whom you have a child. Pennsylvania’s Protection from Abuse Act specifies that domestic abuse does not necessarily have to have a physical component. If the person alleges and proves that they were put in fear of bodily injury, an order may be issued.
Unfortunately, some PFAs are falsely filed as a less expensive and faster way of gaining child custody or sole residency of the marital home. Having the right lawyer on your side is absolutely necessary. Our office has tremendous experience representing both the plaintiff (person requesting a PFA) and the defendant (person accused of being abusive).
In some instances of alleged domestic abuse, individuals are charged with criminal harassment and/or assault. Depending on the allegations, you could be facing a summary offense, misdemeanor, or felony charge.
If a Petition for Protection from Abuse has been filed against you, or you have been charged with a crime of harassment or assault, you need an attorney with knowledge and experience on your side. Contact us today for your free consultation.