Posts Tagged 'jury'

A Bucks County jury finds the defendant “Not Guilty” of simple assault, neglect, and reckless endangerment

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The defendant was charged with simple assault, neglect, and recklessly endangering another person while performing her duties at work. She plead her innocence and hired Robert C. Keller to represent her at time of trial. Mr. Keller’s zealous representation resulted in her acquittal. The Bucks County jury found her “not guilty” on all charges, in less than one hour of deliberating.


A successful recovery – left turn on a green arrow

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In a case involving a car accident, Payne claimed that he had the right of way with a green light and that Jones had only a green arrow when she turned in front of him.  Payne initially brought suit against Jones in District Court, where he was awarded damages.

The case was appealed and the matter was tried by Valerie K. Williams in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County. At time of trial it was argued that Jones (represented by Valerie K. Williams) ...