Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favor, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that tends to create a hostile or offensive work environment.
Hiring, promotions and firings based on sexual relationships are considered sexual harassment.
It is also against the law for an employer to retaliate against the person complaining of, or for participating in an investigation of sexual harassment.
Persons who are the victims of sexual harassment may sue under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e et seq.), which prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace. If you want to file a lawsuit in federal or state court, you must first file a formal sexual harassment complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). To file a claim with the EEOC, the employer must have a minimum of 15 employees. Claims against the EEOC and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission must be filed as soon as six months after the act of discrimination. There are caps and limitations on the damages you can receive.
If you were sexually harassed, our skilled attorneys can assist you in evaluating your case. Contact us today for your free consultation.